The method to decompress the spine from the upright position by gravity



The method DeCOMPRESSit is to decompress the spine from natural upright position using the force of gravity as a nonlinear increasing decompression force, which is applied to a spinal column in upright position. This allows the decompression force to be focused on selective vertebrae.


<strong>Spinal decompression from the standing position by gravity</strong>

A belt to achieve this decompression method from the natural upright standing position has a harness to fix the body the to a support system which contains a freely turning anchor and an adjustable belt. The support system must be placed over the head of the user. Everything should be adjusted together to fit the individuality of all body shapes to achieve the maximum support to the body and to place the user in a very relaxed position.


<strong>Spinal decompression from the seating position by gravity</strong>

A seat to achieve this decompression method has … coming soon

Our Methodology

Simple and easy belt made to fit every individual with back pain issues from the natural upright position and it could be used even on daily basis since there is no harm or whatsoever involved as well as it could be customized for anyone with special needs

Spinal decompression is placed as one of the front leading desirable methods to treat bulging disc, herniated disc, degenerative disc diseases, posterior facet syndrome and help to relieve back pain, neck pain, joint pain, sciatica pain and to relieve pain from other areas resulting from a disorder with the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. The non-surgical spinal decompression traditional treatments are mostly done in uncomfortable way or awkward position such as inversion tables and traction by weird looking accessories or machines with external forces. It is medically proven when external mechanical forces are applied the resultant muscle guarding prevents the discs from being decompressed and paraspinal muscles are conditioned to oppose abrupt and linear changes in tension, but will relax if the force is applied in a smooth gradual manner. After extensive research, we found methods of treatments caters only to certain spectrum but it was not found a single treatment, which could actually cater to all body types, overweight, obese and elderly people as well as people with special conditions, patients with heart-problem or high blood pressure patients and pregnant women to serve or to cater to the back-pain issues they have. It was not found a single treatment, done from the upright natural position without machines, weights, human assistance, or without creating unnecessary issues or done frequently, from home or office, with as low cost as possible. But in the other hand we found the high costs of the spinal alignment treatment is the reason for the back-pain patients to seek as less treatment sessions as possible or other cheaper ineffective treatments or lay it off all together to save the cost and endures the pain. We found the insecurity and unsafely of most of the back-pain treatments are the main reason for the health insurance not to cover some of this treatment’s, because it is not being approved one hundred percent by the medical academia to work. Although most of the back-pain patients are desiring the decompression therapy because it improved the pain level and they could improve their life style once again. Its proven facts and the statistics shows that many back-pain patients should not have the surgery to begin with and the success rate failed very high percentage of the ones who did back surgery’s. The need of a non-surgical method and a treatment safe to everybody from a natural upright human body position was the main reason of finding the Upright Spine Decompression Method by Gravity Decompressit The natural upright position is the most desired position to any back-pain patient to reach the maximum pain relief as we found in the research and that will improve the decompression therapy treatments’ all together in a manual and mechanical way to allow the disc to heal itself



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Simplicity, Functionality, Affordability, Safe to use, Harmless, No force required only gravity, No assistance required, Could be used in any place, Portable, No special preparation

<strong>What are the benefits and advantages of use?</strong>

Simplicity, functionality, affordability, safe to use, harmless, no force required only gravity, no assistance required, could be used in any place, portable, no special preparation needed, no special outfit needed, adjustable, easy to maneuver within, easy to get out of.

What’s the long term and short term results? Instant pain relief, helps to align the spine, helps the desk to snap back in its place, increases the immune system, increases the nerve function, helps to heal the herniated disc, help to heal sciatica nerve, enhance the range of motion, strengthen the core muscles, increases mobility, boosts the metabolism system, non-invasive


Overweight, Obese, Elderly people, people with special conditions, Patients with heart-problem or high blood pressure, Pregnant women, Bulging disc patients, Herniated disc patients

Who is it for? All body types: Overweight, Obese, Elderly people, people with special conditions, Patients with heart-problem or high blood pressure, Pregnant women, Bulging disc patients, Herniated disc patients, Posterior facet syndrome patients, Sciatica nerve pain patients, suitable to any age, suitable to all body shapes

Want to become a Certified dealer

Partner with us! Get your own DeCOMPRESSit® treatment center for back pain relief, become a sales associate, become a distributor for the various products of DeCOMPRESSit® or become a full dealer and have your own treatment center, you can even upgrade to a new concept in fitness as it’s called digital fitness box with RTF. Start making money as you finalizing your certificate and get the benefit of the money invested already to be deducted from your full DeCOMPRESSit® Licensing Brand Partner!

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Spine decompression training for back pain relief and certification
Fulfill the vision of the DeCOMPRESSit® manifesto by fostering greater collaboration, productivity, and success among team members. This global movement transforms organizations and takes them to higher levels of performance.

DeCOMPRESSit® Fundamentals Certificate (DFC)

DeCOMPRESSit® Fundamentals Certificate will teach you the fundamentals of Decompressit. Basic knowledge about decompressit will be taught. Its the introduction to Decompressit.

The DeCOMPRESSit® Fundamentals Certified course is tailored to help anyone interested in learning the basics of decompression method for back pain relieve. The purpose of the DFC certification exam is to confirm participants have a fundamental understanding of the DeCOMPRESSit® methodology.

DeCOMPRESSit® Certified Trainer (DCT)

The DCT course is for DeCOMPRESSit® practitioners who wish to become DeCOMPRESSit® trainers. To become a DeCOMPRESSit® Certified Trainer (DCT) in back pain relief …

The DCT course is for <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>DeCOMPRESSit<sup>®</sup></a> practitioners who wish to become <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>DeCOMPRESSit<sup>®</sup></a>trainers. To become a <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>DeCOMPRESSit<sup>®</sup></a>Certified Trainer (DCT) in back pain relief, candidates need to successfully pass the two certification exams (out of DFC and DCT). These must include the certification courses that they wish to teach.

Expert DeCOMPRESSit® Master Certified (EDMC)

The back pain relief Expert DeCOMPRESSit® Master Certified (EDMC) certification is the next step for DeCOMPRESSit® practitioners to further demonstrate their expertise…

The back pain reliever Expert <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>DeCOMPRESSit<sup>®</sup></a> Master Certified (EDMC) certification is the next step for <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>DeCOMPRESSit<sup>®</sup></a> practitioners to further demonstrate their expertise in the <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>DeCOMPRESSit<sup>®</sup></a> methodology.

DeCOMPRESSit® Certified Master Trainer (DCMT)

The DCMT course is for practitioners who wish to become DeCOMPRESSit® Master trainers. To become a Certified Master Trainer (DCMT) in back pain relief…

The DCMT course is for practitioners who wish to become <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>DeCOMPRESSit<sup>®</sup></a> Master trainers. To become a Certified Master Trainer (DCMT) in back pain relief, candidates need to successfully pass any three certification exams (out of DFC, DCT , EDMC and DCMT). These must include the certification courses that they wish to teach.

Maintaining Certification

DeCOMPRESSit® certification is a significant achievement. It demonstrates a working knowledge of DeCOMPRESSit®. However, it is important that participants…

DeCOMPRESSit® certification is a significant achievement. It demonstrates a working knowledge of DeCOMPRESSit®. However, it is important that participants continue gaining knowledge about the relevant concepts in DeCOMPRESSit® and related areas. So you as a DeCOMPRESSit® Certified Master Trainer earned the right to teach proctored online courses for trainers are looking to renew their certificates from the comfort of your home using a webcam and internet connection.

Maintaining Certification

DeCOMPRESSit® certification is a significant achievement. It demonstrates a working knowledge of DeCOMPRESSit®. However, it is important that participants

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DeCOMPRESSit® online live proctored Training courses

DeCOMPRESSit® online live proctored Training courses allows you to teach from the comfort of your home using a webcam and internet connection as a reliable...

Ethical Practices and code of conduct

DeCOMPRESSit® Participants, Operators, Partners, Owners, Franchisee’s , Certificate holders, Instructors. Trainer, Master Trainers and anyone related to the brand with...

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DeCOMPRESSit<sup>®</sup></a> Participants, Operators, Partners, Owners, Franchisee’s , Certificate holders, Instructors, Distributors and Sales Associates, Trainer, Master Trainers and anyone related to the brand with reference number is obligated to follow the Ethical code of conduct and maintain the highest level of professionalism at all time and any break in the rules will result of the loss of the licenses to the Individual or the Entity.

DeCOMPRESSit® Developer Certified (DDC)

The DDC is an entry level certification. The objective of this certification is to ensure that participants understand the basics of decompression for back pain...

The DDC® is an entry level certification. The objective of this certification is to ensure that participants understand the basics of decompression for back pain relief and core strength which DeCOMPRESSit® team members need to know to effectively contribute to a DeCOMPRESSit® project.

DeCOMPRESSit® Product Owner Certified (DPOC)

The DPOC certification exam is designed to confirm a product owner's applicants practical and working knowledge of DeCOMPRESSit® in terms of the ability to handle the...

DeCOMPRESSit® Master Certified (DMC)

The DMC professionals have a practical, working knowledge of DeCOMPRESSit® that equips them to guide and implement DeCOMPRESSit® projects in a DeCOMPRESSit®…

The DMC® professionals have a practical, working knowledge of DeCOMPRESSit® that equips them to guide and implement DeCOMPRESSit® projects in a DeCOMPRESSi®t environment. The purpose of the exam is to confirm that applicants have achieved sufficient understanding of how the apply DeCOMPRESSit® framework and practices to projects and to tailor DeCOMPRESSit® in a particular scenario.

The DMC® professionals have a practical, working knowledge of DeCOMPRESSit® that equips them to guide and implement DeCOMPRESSit® projects in a DeCOMPRESSi®t environment. The purpose of the exam is to confirm that applicants have achieved sufficient understanding of how the apply DeCOMPRESSit® framework and practices to projects and to tailor DeCOMPRESSit® in a particular scenario.

DeCOMPRESSit® Master Certified (DMC®)

The DMC® professionals have a practical, working knowledge of DeCOMPRESSit® that equips them to guide and implement DeCOMPRESSit® projects in a DeCOMPRESSit

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Few minutes ago I had a DeCOMPRESSit treatment. In the beginning I was really suspicious about it. How will this be any helpful?! Hanging and/or standing between a belt. But I totally trusted the professional and started to use it. First, it was a little bit hard to find the right position to feel comfortable. But after some trials and with the help of the trainer I got into it. After this we worked on my neck and what shall I say: it felt like heaven! The pressure on my neck went away second by second. After we finished I really felt the “pipes” in my neck are free again.  I totally felt relaxed! Honestly, no massage, no chiropractic or osteopathist were able to bring me to this feeling! JMW

Bandscheiben ernähren? Kleinste Muskelpakete nahe der Wirbelsäule entspannen? Verklebte Faszien im Nackenbereich aktiv lockern? 
- Was für ein großer Effekt und Nutzen, selbst für jemanden ohne Rückenprobleme wie mich! -
Ich hatte die Gelegenheit unter fachkundiger Anleitung die Wirbelsäulenentspannung nach der Methode DeCOMPRESSit zu erleben. Ergänzend zu den positiven Effekten kommt, dass ich das verwendete neu entwickelte Trainingsgerät als leicht und chic beschreiben kann. Es passt ohne weiteres noch in die Sporttasche und ist immer einsetzbar. Ich finde auch gut, dass es in verschiedenen Größen und Ausführungen zu haben ist. So ist mein Gerät genau an meine Bedürfnisse angepasst. Damit steht meinem entspannten Rücken und Nacken nichts mehr im Weg. Ich kann die Wirbelsäulenentspannung nach der DeCOMPRESSit-Methode nur empfehlen.


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