The need of a non-surgical method and a treatment safe to everybody from a natural upright human body position was the main reason of finding the Upright Spine Decompression Method by Gravity DeCOMPRESSit®

DeCOMPRESSit® is a new trend safe for you out there who suffering from back pain. Wither you can afford going to the gym everyday working out getting fit but having back pain and looking for that right exercise, machine or even the right personal trainer to help you help your pain.
Or so busy with your work, business or your daily life and wish you have the luxury of time to go workout, maybe your back pain goes away. Or you don’t like to go workout in the gym for some reason or another but you are active so you can monitor your back pain.
Or can’t do anything at all because you lazy but still want your back pain to disappear. Or you tried some of the non invasive treatments out there or went through the traditional and the non traditional methods of back pain treatments with minimum, short or no results at all. Or you can’t take the pain anymore and gave up and decided for the surgery with the hope it’ll work for you. Or you even had the surgery but the back pain is back somehow. Then DeCOMPRESSit® is the solution for you!!! Nothing to lose but pain!!!